Bystolic (Nebivolol)

Bystolic (Nebivolol)

Bystolic is medicine that belongs to a group of medicines called beta blockers. Beta blockers are thought to work by slowing the heart rate and reducing how hard the heart has to work. Different types of beta-blockers work differently, but in general, these medications enhance the heart's ability to relax. Your heart will beat slower and less forcefully when beta-blockers are working. This can help to reduce blood pressure and alleviate irregular heart rhythms. Some beta-blockers only work on the heart itself, while others impact the heart and blood vessels. Your doctor may prescribe beta-blockers even if you have few symptoms of heart problems or heart failure. These medications can actually improve the heart's ability to beat.

High Blood Pressure Causes

Changes, either from genes or the environment, in the body's normal functions may cause high blood pressure, including changes to kidney fluid and salt balances, sympathetic nervous system activity, and blood vessel structure and function.

Changes in the structure and function of small and large arteries may contribute to high blood pressure. The angiotensin pathway and the immune system may stiffen small and large arteries, which can affect blood pressure.

Much of the understanding of the body systems involved in high blood pressure has come from genetic studies. High blood pressure often runs in families.

Although there is no specific interaction between Bystolic and the drugs used for erectile dysfunction, they can cause a decrease in blood pressure, which may increase the effect of Bystolic. It is important to talk to your doctor about the use of this combination of medications based on your health status and current medications.

Environmental causes of high blood pressure include unhealthy lifestyle habits, being overweight or obese, and medicines.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits can cause high blood pressure, including: High dietary sodium intake and sodium sensitivity, drinking excess amounts of alcohol, lack of physical activity. Overweight or obese can increase the resistance in the blood vessels, causing the heart to work harder and leading to high blood pressure.

Bystolic as blood pressure-lowering medicine

Bystolic is a good blood pressure-lowering medicine for people with heart conditions, and has fewer side effects than other beta blockers, but it's expensive.

Checking blood pressure

Who should not take Bystolic?

Do not take Bystolic if you:

What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking Bystolic?

Before starting Bystolic, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

Also, to avoid a potentially serious or life-threatening condition, tell your healthcare provider if you are taking or plan to take any prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or herbal products, including:

What are the possible side effects of Bystolic?

The most common side effects people taking Bystolic report are headache, fatigue (tiredness), dizziness (if you feel dizzy, sit or lie down and tell your doctor right away), diarrhea, nausea, insomnia (difficulty falling or staying asleep), chest pain, bradycardia (slow heartbeat), dyspnea (shortness of breath), rash, and peripheral edema (leg swelling due to fluid retention). Other possible side effects include masking (hiding) the symptoms of low blood sugar and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), especially a fast heartbeat. Tell your doctor if you gain weight or have trouble breathing while taking Bystolic.

Bystolic (Nebivolol)

What other information do I need to know about taking Bystolic?

Bystolic Dosage

Bystolic comes in tablets of 2.5 milligram (mg), 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg, which you should take once a day. You should not take more than 40 mg of Bystolic in one day. Bystolic tablets can be taken with or without a meal. Beta blockers work to slow the heart and decrease the amount of blood that is pumped. This action helps to decrease blood pressure and the amount of work the heart has to do. For more specific information, consult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medications, particularly before taking any action.

Bystolic Upsides:

Bystolic Downsides:

How To Get Bystolic?

Bystolic is a prescription medicine. The generic formulation of Bystolic, Nebivolol, has recently been released. Nebivolol is FDA-approved for the management of hypertension. The generic formulation is now available for all strengths of Bystolic (2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg, 20mg) from few manufacturers. Nebivolol (Bystolic) is an expensive drug used to treat high blood pressure. This drug is slightly less popular than comparable drugs. The lowest price for the most common version of generic Bystolic is around $1.08 per pill, 80% off the average retail price. We gather prices and discounts from multiple sources, including published price lists, drug manufacturers, claims information and data provided to us by pharmacies. The prices we show are our best estimate; while we believe our data to be generally accurate, we cannot guarantee that the price we display will exactly match the price you receive at the pharmacy. For an exact price, please contact the pharmacy.

Disclaimer: This page contains information on medicines relating to Bystolic (Nebivolol)
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